Sophie Rabinow
Sophie is interested in an integrative archaeology incorporating both biomolecular approaches and study of historical art and texts. She graduated with a BA in Art History from Mount Holyoke College, USA (2018), and an MA in Archaeology from Simon Fraser University, Canada (2020). Her MA thesis, supervised by Dr. Christina Giovas, centered on Indigenous translocations of agouti (Dasyprocta sp.) in the pre-Contact Lesser Antilles (Caribbean). She is currently undertaking her PhD thesis at the University of Cambridge, UK, under the supervision of Dr. Piers Mitchell and Prof. Matthew Collins. Her project focuses on multi-proxy analysis (aDNA, parasitology, ZooMS) of cesspit sediments from the Low Countries (current day Belgium and the Netherlands) as part of the Parasites in the Low Countries During the Medieval, Renaissance and Industrial Periods project. She has fieldwork experience in the USA in Colorado, North Dakota, Massachusetts, and Montana, and Yorkshire in the UK.
Sophie is interested in an integrative archaeology incorporating both biomolecular approaches and study of historical art and texts. She graduated with a BA in Art History from Mount Holyoke College, USA (2018), and an MA in Archaeology from Simon Fraser University, Canada (2020). Her MA thesis, supervised by Dr. Christina Giovas, centered on Indigenous translocations of agouti (Dasyprocta sp.) in the pre-Contact Lesser Antilles (Caribbean). She is currently undertaking her PhD thesis at the University of Cambridge, UK, under the supervision of Dr. Piers Mitchell and Prof. Matthew Collins. Her project focuses on multi-proxy analysis (aDNA, parasitology, ZooMS) of cesspit sediments from the Low Countries (current day Belgium and the Netherlands) as part of the Parasites in the Low Countries During the Medieval, Renaissance and Industrial Periods project. She has fieldwork experience in the USA in Colorado, North Dakota, Massachusetts, and Montana, and Yorkshire in the UK.
Selected Publications
09/2021. Rabinow, S., H.G. Zhang, T. Royle, S. Grouard, S.M. Fitzpatrick, C.M. Giovas, and D.Y. Yang. mtDNA of Ancient Caribbean Agouti (Dasyproctidae: Dasyprocta) Reveals Population Continuity throughout the Ceramic Age Lesser Antilles. Article in preparation.
03/2021. Rabinow, S. Ethnohistoric Accounts as Valuable Resources for Deciphering Commensal Relationships of pre- Contact Caribbean Agouti (Dasyprocta). Accepted (Mar. 2021), Journal of Ethnobiology.
01/2021. Rabinow, S. and C.M. Giovas. A Systematic Review of Agouti (Dasyproctidae: Dasyprocta) Records from the Pre-1492 Lesser Antilles: New Perspectives on an Introduced Commensal. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. DOI: 10.1002/oa.2987